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Results for "keyword: "God, presence""
A Journey through the Monastic Heart Spiritual practices for all seekers of a contemplative and fulfilling life.
Remembrance - The Spiritual Practice of Zhikr A Sufi practice to develop continuous awareness of divine support through the knowing of the heart.
A Simple Immediacy: Desert Wisdom for Advent Teachings from the Desert Fathers and Mothers on classic Advent themes.
Silence Night, Holy Night: A Retreat for Advent Scriptures and mystical writings delving into the great themes of Advent to enrich the contemplative life.
Practicing the Presence of God Ways to make every moment of your life into a sacrament of communion with the Divine.
Contemplative Discernment Guidance on a process for opening and listening to receive clues about who we are in God.
Lumen Divinum: A Retreat for Advent A delving into the great themes of Advent including wisdom, light, unity, beauty, incarnation.
Child of the Light An Advent retreat creating a quiet haven away from holiday busyness where you can reflect upon readings, prayers, and hymns.
Presence - Relationship with Divine Love Practices from fourteen centuries of Sufi wisdom universally relevant across spiritual traditions.
Centering Prayer as Practice and Process Essential teachings on establishing or renewing this method of contemplative prayer.